Clarity of Thought and Self

Words of Wisdom to Live By.

“Reclaim your Power, heal yourself, love yourself, know yourself. This is the pathway to freedom and happiness”.

There seems to be more and more awareness around mental health in the world currently – more than ever before. 

The way people want to connect with themselves, their family, and their career is changing.  A more human connection based on similar values and a sense that there is purpose in one’s life is taking center stage. 

Understand and embrace the truth that your mental health is more important than your career, money, other people’s opinions, that event you committed to, your partner’s mood, and your family’s wishes – combined.  

To truly know yourself, to have a greater emotional balance, it is more important to attach yourself to a MISSION, a FUTURE, a SET OF VALUES, than to attach yourself to a specific person, a place, a company, organization, or a project.  If you don’t know what your values are, your purpose, passion, or mission – you will never be able to move toward the future that you want; the future that allows you to create your own happiness. Clarity of self leads one to create and be responsible for their own happiness instead of relying on another person, career, place or thing to provide their happiness.  This is the best way to follow your heart and avoid getting attached to a life, to someone, or a career, that isn’t right for you.

As we start looking at the greatest emotion, love, the emotion that drives our heart and even sense of well-being in the world - love is a form of intimacy, and you can’t have intimacy without vulnerability.  If your past makes you avoid vulnerability, you will never have intimacy.  Avoiding vulnerability feels like self-defense, but in the long term it is self-harm.  Intimacy depends upon going inward.  Until we are able to truly love ourselves and offer self-forgiveness we are not able to love another without attachment.  

99% of the harm is caused in your head, by you and your thoughts.  1% of the harm is caused by reality and what actually happens and the outcome.   Most of the time, the problem isn’t the problem.  The way you think about that problem is.  You can fix most of your problems just by fixing your thoughts.  If you don’t know where to begin or how to break old patterns of thinking, having a strong life and thought coach as your thinking partner will help you immensely. 

If you want to feed a problem, keep thinking about it.  If you want to move past or starve a problem, take action.  Problems feed off worry and action kills anxiety.  We get more of what we are thinking and talking about.  Take great care with your thoughts, words and actions.   In John Acuff’s book, Soundtracks, he shares great wisdom with the notion that overthinking is not DNA or a personality trait; but it is the sneakiest form of fear.  It steals time, creativity, and goals.  It is the most expensive and least productive thing you can invest in and not even know it.

Don’t trust someone’s words if their actions don’t align.  Their words will tell you want they want you to think.  Their actions will tell you what they actually think.  Honesty creates intimate connections and decreases the turbulence of life whereas dishonesty creates distance and problems that must be dealt with in the future.  

We must stop comparing ourselves to others looks, success, families, etc.  We may only see the “self that others want us to see” by what they post on social media for example.  The only healthy, real and worthwhile comparison is you yesterday vs. you today.  This is where we start to gain a better relationship with our mental health and our emotions so we start moving forward in the right direction feeling connected first to ourselves and then to others.


Love Languages


The Cycles of Life