The Cycles of Life

like other natural cycles — such as the water cycle, the plant cycle, and the fossil-fuel cycle — there is also a cycle of the soul. The soul’s journey began with the creation of the universes, and it’s been in motion ever since. 

We all go through Natural, Karmic and Soul Cycles whether we are consciously aware of them or not.   If you are considering a Life Coach, a mentor, or therapy, it’s important to know where you are in YOUR cycle of life.  

Awareness of the soul's process and how to nurture it makes for a much less bumpy ride. The aware humans will not fight the natural order of the soul, which in order to be true to itself (and it must always be true to itself) does not hesitate to shake things up, empty the container, slough off the toxic wastes of being human and start over.

Lacking this critical awareness of the soul's seasons, we'll suffer our journey through the slings and arrows, resisting the process and creating suffering. But to the soul, even our resistance and suffering is purposeful, more grist for the mill. The soul is patient. It has eternity to get this right.

When we audit our life and understand where we are at in the natural cycles of life, we start to change our perspective and awareness.  We start to realize things happen for us, not to us.   We can shift our perspective and create change in all areas of our life consciously.

One of the ways you can start your audit is by using The Wheel of Life.  This is a simple but powerful tool that helps you visualize all the important areas of your life at once.  It is often used by life coaches and career coaches to give their clients a "bird's eye" view of their lives.  I use it as a starting point for each of my clients.  By looking at a visual representation of all the areas of your life at once, the wheel helps you to better understand which of your life areas are flourishing and which ones need the most work.

As a starting point for creating balance, happiness and success in your life, the Wheel of Life, or self-audit, is the perfect tool to begin your journey.  You will be able to reflect and gain some insight into the balance of your life and how satisfied you are in life’s different areas of your life.  Self-reflection is the first key to knowing where you are and where you want to go in life and where you fit in your soul’s natural journey.

Natural, Karmic, Life and Soul Cycles:

  • Perpetuation

Periods of time when conditions (like relationships, locations, and careers) seem to stay the same.  As with all things, make sure these conditions are honoring to you and look for the inner changes you could be working on.

  • Expansion

A period of accumulation and increase whether in money, relationships, families, business, or effort

  • Transformation

Periods of radical change like divorce, illness, major moves, job changes.  These external changes need to be supported with personal awareness and internal changes

  • Initiation

When transformation is truly significant, it can result in a major shift in consciousness, moving yourself and your soul to the next level of enlightenment

The knowledge of our true self lies buried in the deepest recesses of our innermost soul. like a diamond buried deep within the earth, or the layers of rich oil lying far below the earth’s surface, our most precious treasure, the soul, lies buried beneath layers of mind, matter, and illusion. We need to tap into it during our present life span to uncover our greatest resource.


Clarity of Thought and Self

