The Power of “I AM” Presence

The mystical heart of the world's religions is the identity of the true Self. The understanding of the Self is the most important insight that any individual can have in life.

The Self begins with the permanent atom of being, the cause out of which the effect proceeds. We call this cause the I AM THAT I AM, the Presence of the I AM, or the I AM Presence.

This might be a new concept for some. “I AM” has the power to transform lives. The “I AM” Presence is when we begin to have the awareness that we are here on Earth as spiritual beings having a human experience. Awakening to the awareness that we are creators of our own experience here on Earth and we have the power within each of us to become our True Self - The Authentic Self. The “SELF” we desire most within our hearts.

The “I AM” Presence is the real you. It exists in a higher realm as your “Higher Self” that sends a ray of light down into lower bodies, each of which vibrates at its own frequency. It animates two main lower bodies, the Christ Self (soul) and the human self. These bodies correspond to the Tibetan Buddhist terms: Nirmanakaya, Sambhogakaya, and then Dharmakya - the God Self or I AM Presence.

"I AM" is the expression of individual God consciousness as it emerges from the ocean of awareness into the world of appearances. It is God in action. Observe your in-breath and out-breath to still the mind. Then meditate on the origin of "I" and remember your true being....Then think or say "I am..." to manifest God in action.

What does it mean to manifest God in action?  For me, this means that I too hold this creative force within me.  The power to choose to be anything I want to be.  The power to create the person I want to be from within.  There is no external force that holds the power to tell me who and what I am or can become. There is no external force that can limit my possibilities once I have awakened to the I AM presence and the power within me. 

When we place our possibilities and power in the hands of others, this takes away our I AM presence and puts our destiny in the hands of people who simply cannot know us better than we know ourselves.  This is very limiting and puts one in a space of fear.  This is a powerful realization and awakening.  We are not separate from the power to create our lives we are the power to create our lives, find our purpose and passion, and live life to the fullest.

I use “I AM” in my daily journaling habit. I start with my gratitude statements and then move on to my “I AM” statements. As we begin the new year, how do you want to manifest your true, most authentic, self? Do you want to re-write the story you tell yourself about YOU or your life? This is a powerful tool and I urge you to try this as part of any resolutions or new year rituals you might already have.

Start by simply stating “I AM……(you fill in the blank). This is incredibly powerful and manifests that statement into being. We become what we think - we are what we think. Write these in your journal and then say them to yourself in a mirror. This is more difficult than it sounds. Your subconscious mind cannot lie. You must believe it when you say it when YOU are reflected back at YOU in a mirror. This is where the power lies. This is when we remember who we really are and not the story we have, or others have, told us about ourselves.

Below are my I AM Presence statements for 2022. 

I AM a Life Coach. I AM an energy healer. I AM strong. I AM powerful. I AM confident. I AM smart.  I AM successful.  I AM a good person.  I AM giving.  I AM kind. I AM enough.  I AM a good friend.  I AM a great wife.  I AM a fantastic mother.  I AM living my soul’s purpose.  I AM my most authentic self.


The purpose of your soul's evolution on earth is to grow in self-mastery, balance your karma, fulfill your mission on earth and make your ascension in the Light.


So Let’s start with the Heart.  


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